Love Casts Out Fear
We listen to a lot of Disney songs on Pandora, and there’s a song that always gets my attention. It demonstrates exactly what happens in my mind when fear and anxiety take over.
I’m sure you’ve heard it. It’s the song in Frozen where Anna finds Elsa in her new ice castle. Elsa thinks she is finally free but Anna tells her that she has frozen all of Arendelle. All of it. Elsa’s fear has come true, and Elsa can’t take it.
The writers created the song in such as way that it shows consuming fear can be. While Anna has full confidence in her sister and sings, “We can fix this thing together,” Elsa blocks her out. Her voice gets louder and louder, and Anna’s fades into the background until you can’t hear her anymore.
Fear has taken over Elsa.
That’s what I do. Maybe you do that too. Fear takes over, and we can’t hear the love anymore. We can’t hear God and how much He takes care of us. We can’t hear the people who love us standing right there saying, “We can fix this thing together.” We have blocked out love.
Heres a link to the song. It’s about 1 min 30 sec into the clip.
The song and movie reminds me that love casts out fear. So many times we switch it around and let fear cast out love. But, oh, if we would cling to love. If we would just hang on to what we know to be true, love would cast out our fears. That’s what I want to happen in my life. I want the fear gone, the anxiety cast out of my mind forever.
I want the love that only Christ gives to be what consumes me. So I need to keep remembering this verse. I need to say it over and over. “There is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear.”
Maybe you need this verse too. It’s ok if you do. No matter what fear is trying to consume you, remember that Christ’s perfect love can cast out that fear. Just keep reminding yourself of the truth in this verse. Say it over and over. Perfect love really does cast out fear.

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